Aug 15Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Brilliant summation, thank you I will forward this to quite a few people who don't quite understand where it's all heading.

Yuval Noah Harari happily points out how they'll do it and what they think of "your rights"


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Thank you for the compliment. I have watched a reasonable number Yuval video presentation and he scar the blazes out of me. I made a video late last year, where he features in it. It on my substack at: https://oxgmcxo.substack.com/p/flash-back-15 Its not specifically about the WEF but of course when the mega rich elite are implicated, by default that's the WEF and all the other 'special' groups. While I'm sure no-one has twigged yet, every one of my posts on my substack are directly or indirectly related to the COVID-PSYOP. Thanks for the link to the Yuval video.

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Aug 15Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

yikes, all them bum-f'n lite el's might catch it...

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Aug 15Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Well done legend, not much I didn't know, but a great summary and will be sharing widely.

Love you and your work brother.

Keep punching.👍💪

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Aug 15Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Wow! Great post. Many thanks. You make it all so clear and simple. I have told everyone I know that we are in a bate-n-switch operation. Elites are telling us two things; they want to electrify the planet into a sustainable biosphere, and they are saying computers are faster and better than we are, so we need to automate the planet. Guess which one they are actually doing? They are automating the planet with the same resources we need to electrify it, then make us obsolete, mindless consumers on UBI issued through CBDC’s and social credits for good behaviour and “correct thinking.”

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We need to get busier and more determined to sabotage their evil plans then. Otherwise it’s curtains for your family, my family, everybody’s families. And then when most of us are gone, there will be no-one left on earth that will have the power to bring these demonic murders to account. So, we need to all act now!

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Aug 15Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Wonderful info!

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