 Japan Declares State of Emergency After ‘Nanobots’ Found in 96 Million Citizens

The globalist elite and Big Pharma are panicking, terrified of what the Japanese are finding, and they are doing everything they can to discredit these investigations, including ordering the mainstream media to initiate a total media blackout of any news coming out of Japan.

But we are not going to allow the elite to succeed in gaslighting the public any longer. Japan are uncovering crimes against humanity and the whole world needs to hear this information.

A new Japanese study published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory Practice and Research proves that Pfizer and Moderna vaccines contain unauthorized “animated worm-like” entities, invisible to the human eye, that swim, wriggle, and assemble themselves into complex structures.

As the Dr. Young Mi Lee and Dr. Daniel Broudy from Okinawa Christian University explain, these worm-like entities are responsible for causing clots inside millions of human bodies around the world since the mRNA roll out.


Dr. Young Mi Lee and Dr. Daniel Broudy isolated vaccine vials for three weeks, then examined them under 400 times magnification and found what they describe as “undisclosed additional engineered components” … also known as nanotechnology.

Bill Gates wasn’t joking when he let slip that mRNA contains “nanotechnology” that is “very self-assembling.”

Evidence is now emerging that the elite have implemented their plan – without our consent – to turn the human race into a vast battery reserve to be harvested in secret.

The Japanese study concludes that the smart microscopic components are part of the global elite’s “long-planned well-funded Internet of Bodies,” which was described as a kind of “synthetic global central nervous system” turning humans into controllable “Biohybrid Magnetic Robots.”

A patent granted to Bill Gates awarded the self-appointed world health czar the “exclusive rights” to computerize human bodies and use them as local wireless networks.

Microsoft was awarded US Patent 6,754,472, which is titled: Method and apparatus for transmitting power and data using the human body.


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Thanks for sharing Gaz.

It does indeed appear there have been evil forces concertedly working against humanity.

When one thinks of what might have been achieved if the efforts had been spent for the good of all people and nature…

How to bring the evildoers to account for the destruction they have wrought upon the world?

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It’s an interesting coincidence, I’d only just completed an article which is related, in at least a small way, to what you have alluded to. I’ll post it now as well. Cheers

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