The Blueprint of a New World: Dr. Richard Day's 1969 Revelation
n 1969, Dr. Richard Day, an insider of a global agenda, revealed a chilling plan to reshape society by the year 2000. Discover the prophetic insights and their alarming relevance today.
On March 20, 1969, Dr. Richard Day, an admitted “insider” in the “Order,” delivered a lecture about the “new world system,” also referred to as the “New Order of Barbarians.” He outlined the changes that were scheduled to be implemented by the year 2000, according to an actual timetable. These changes were long in the making, with procedures and people positioned to enforce this system. At the time, Dr. Day was a Professor of Pediatrics at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York and had previously served as the Medical Director of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
The purpose of Dr. Day’s lecture, which was attended by around eighty pediatricians, was to help them adapt to these forthcoming changes. He emphasized that people would need to get used to change and noted, “People are too trusting; people don’t ask the right questions.” He also mentioned that he felt relatively free to speak because “everything is in place and nobody can stop us now.” However, to prevent wide distribution, no recordings or notes were allowed, and Dr. Day hinted at possible negative repercussions if his remarks became widely known.
In 1988, after years of compiling what he remembered, Dr. Dunegan recorded his recollections of the 1969 lecture on two tapes.
Key Points from Dr. Day’s Lecture
Governments and Decision-Making: Most people, including those in high government positions, do not understand how decisions are made.
Population Control: The global population must be limited, or we will run out of space to live.
Reproductive Control: People won’t be “allowed” to have babies just because they want to or because they are careless.
Sexual Activity: Sex must be separated from reproduction. While sexual activity will increase, it will be managed in a way that prevents childbirth.
Contraception: Contraception will be strongly encouraged and universally available, prominently displayed in America’s drug stores.
Sex Education: Designed to entice children early, sex education will link sex with the need for contraception early in life.
Abortion: “Abortion will no longer be a crime.” It will be accepted as normal and funded by taxes for those who cannot afford it.
Parental Opposition to Abortion: School sex programs will lead to more pregnancies, and parents opposed to abortion on moral or religious grounds will change their minds when their own child is pregnant.
Homosexuality: “People will be given permission to be homosexual,” and everyone will be encouraged to have sex in any way they want.
Divorce: Divorce will be made easier and more prevalent, reducing the importance of families.
Euthanasia: “Everybody has a right to live only so long. The old are no longer useful and become a burden.”
Medical Care: Medical care will be tied to employment, become costly, and unavailable to people after a certain age.
Medicine Control: Medicine will be much more tightly controlled.
Free Hospital Care: Free hospital care will gradually cease, with costs forced up to necessitate insurance.
Identification Requirements: A photo ID will be required within hospitals and gradually expand to include everyone and everywhere.
Doctors’ Image: Doctors will be seen as highly skilled technicians, with jobs including executions by lethal injection.
New Diseases: Difficult-to-diagnose diseases will appear and remain untreatable for a long time.
Cancer Treatment: “We can cure almost every cancer right now,” but withholding treatment is necessary to avoid overpopulation.
Simulated Heart Attacks: A method to simulate real heart attacks will be used as a means of assassination.
Convenience Foods: Convenience foods will be hazardous, and family mealtime will diminish.
New Religion: A new religion will be promoted globally, potentially leading to government-established churches under the guise of protecting Christianity.
Bible Changes: The Bible will be rewritten to fit the new religion, with key words gradually replaced.
Literary Classics: Literary classics and historical narratives will be changed subtly to avoid suspicion.
Education: Kids will spend more time in schools with less productive studies, concentrated and specialized without access to material outside their area of study.
Books and Publishing: Some books will disappear from libraries, and publishing will be restricted.
Laws and Social Changes: Laws will change, including the elimination of Blue Laws, changes in bankruptcy and antitrust laws, and tightly controlled competition.
Drug and Alcohol Use: Drug and alcohol use will increase, and law enforcement efforts will intensify.
Sensationalized News: News about drug abuse and law enforcement will keep drugs in public consciousness, creating vulnerability.
Travel Restrictions: Travel will become a privilege requiring permission and a good reason.
Personal Surveillance: Surveillance will be ubiquitous, with a central monitoring system allowing observation even when the television is off.
Urban Decay: Empty buildings and streets will be allowed to deteriorate, creating a depressed atmosphere.
Increased Accidents: More airplane and auto accidents will occur, contributing to insecurity and more government regulations.
Crime Management: Crime will be used to manage society, with orchestrated slums and well-maintained areas.
Industrial Decline: Western heavy industries will be deliberately cut back to give other countries a chance to compete.
Population Shifts: Job loss will produce population shifts, with the poor accepting questionable societal changes for survival.
Changes in Sports: Sports will change to de-emphasize nationalism, with high salaries creating discontent and a shift to more international sports.
Movies and Media: Movies will become more sexually explicit and use more foul language, while violence will become more graphic and realistic.
Music: Music will deteriorate, with lyrics becoming more sexual and older generations sticking to their own stations.
Food Supply Control: Food supplies will be centralized, and personal gardens and small farms will be eliminated.
Weather Control: Weather will be controlled and used as a weapon of war and for influencing public policy.
Housing: Privately owned housing will diminish, with rising costs making it unaffordable for most people.
Inflation and Money: Inflation will be used as a tool, with money becoming credit and all significant purchases done electronically.
Terrorism: Terrorism will be used in the U.S. if it does not move rapidly enough into accepting the new system.
Embracing the New System: People will be expected to embrace the new system, with no room for dissent.
There are no coincidences! If something happens, it is because it was planned that way! People will be expected to embrace the new system – they may even long for it. There will not be any room for those who reject or dissent. Obviously, very vocal nonconformists will have to be silenced or eliminated. “When the new system takes over, people will be expected to sign allegiance to it, indicating that they don’t have any reservations or holding back to the old system.” Will those who speak out against such tyranny prevent the complete implementation of this satanical, dismal existence? You decide! “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King.
"As we contemplate the chilling predictions and strategies laid out by Dr. Day, one must ask: Are we witnessing the unfolding of a carefully orchestrated plan, or is this simply the result of a natural progression of societal change? The true challenge lies not in deciphering the past, but in recognizing the forces shaping our future. Will we passively accept these changes, or will we find the courage to question, resist, and ultimately shape the world we wish to leave for generations to come? In a world where silence equates to complicity, the power to alter the course of history still rests in our hands."
Japan Declares State of Emergency After ‘Nanobots’ Found in 96 Million Citizens
The globalist elite and Big Pharma are panicking, terrified of what the Japanese are finding, and they are doing everything they can to discredit these investigations, including ordering the mainstream media to initiate a total media blackout of any news coming out of Japan.
But we are not going to allow the elite to succeed in gaslighting the public any longer. Japan are uncovering crimes against humanity and the whole world needs to hear this information.
A new Japanese study published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory Practice and Research proves that Pfizer and Moderna vaccines contain unauthorized “animated worm-like” entities, invisible to the human eye, that swim, wriggle, and assemble themselves into complex structures.
As the Dr. Young Mi Lee and Dr. Daniel Broudy from Okinawa Christian University explain, these worm-like entities are responsible for causing clots inside millions of human bodies around the world since the mRNA roll out.
Dr. Young Mi Lee and Dr. Daniel Broudy isolated vaccine vials for three weeks, then examined them under 400 times magnification and found what they describe as “undisclosed additional engineered components” … also known as nanotechnology.
Bill Gates wasn’t joking when he let slip that mRNA contains “nanotechnology” that is “very self-assembling.”
Evidence is now emerging that the elite have implemented their plan – without our consent – to turn the human race into a vast battery reserve to be harvested in secret.
The Japanese study concludes that the smart microscopic components are part of the global elite’s “long-planned well-funded Internet of Bodies,” which was described as a kind of “synthetic global central nervous system” turning humans into controllable “Biohybrid Magnetic Robots.”
A patent granted to Bill Gates awarded the self-appointed world health czar the “exclusive rights” to computerize human bodies and use them as local wireless networks.
Microsoft was awarded US Patent 6,754,472, which is titled: Method and apparatus for transmitting power and data using the human body.
Thanks for sharing Gaz.
It does indeed appear there have been evil forces concertedly working against humanity.
When one thinks of what might have been achieved if the efforts had been spent for the good of all people and nature…
How to bring the evildoers to account for the destruction they have wrought upon the world?