The shocking truth behind the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines: Regulatory agencies & pharmaceutical companies, aware of severe endotoxin contamination risks, lax safety measures, endangering millions of lives.
The failure of the FDA, EMA, and TGA to adequately address endotoxins in vaccines that based on their regulatory approvals were then mandated ethically requires that all vaccine mandates by schools, universities, businesses, governments and individuals must end immediately and forever. After billions of vaccinations, this trust can never be restored. The agencies led, enabled, and participated in democide, government-sanctioned injuring and killing of the citizens on its control.
There were still a lot of AE's (and more heart attacks) with the original study participants (process 1) so hopefully we are not discounting other toxins like spike protein, LNPs, and God knows what else. Good video though.
Putting aside all the various theories behind the (stealth) purpose of the mRNA method of delivery, my unscientific mind cannot grasp why an adjuvant is needed in these TGs to arouse ‘an immune’ reaction. Unlike the more traditional methods of previous vaccine products, is it not the body’s own production of the spike protein that then acts as the ‘adjuvant?’
If they are to "DO NO HARM" so walk the talk, health regulators must stop recommending covid boosters and new covid vaccines until they thoroughly investigate methods to remove the endotoxin from the vaccine vials. And further, no more mRNA vaccines must be developed and distributed until they also are endotoxin free. And even further...what about the other vaccine vial components that cause harm, ds DNA, lipid nanoparticles, SV40, pseudouridine...they all need to be removed before the health regulators can claim "safe and effective"! Because the regulators TGA and FDA are funded mainly by the pharmaceutical industry whom they should be regulating (so applying penalties for inclusion of harmful contaminants, nondisclosure of multiple contents to the public and regulators), the current regulators need to be disbanded and replaced by government funded, independent bodies. A thorough cleansing of a sector so vital to public health.
There has never been any attempt to improve health locally or globally. It was all a a decoy master plan by the globalists to gain supreme control over everyone and everything. The mRNA was designed to facilitate this objective. The WEF.WHO,I F etc was merely a vehicle to deliver this world wide domination, Hitler would have been ecstatic.
The failure of the FDA, EMA, and TGA to adequately address endotoxins in vaccines that based on their regulatory approvals were then mandated ethically requires that all vaccine mandates by schools, universities, businesses, governments and individuals must end immediately and forever. After billions of vaccinations, this trust can never be restored. The agencies led, enabled, and participated in democide, government-sanctioned injuring and killing of the citizens on its control.
There were still a lot of AE's (and more heart attacks) with the original study participants (process 1) so hopefully we are not discounting other toxins like spike protein, LNPs, and God knows what else. Good video though.
Putting aside all the various theories behind the (stealth) purpose of the mRNA method of delivery, my unscientific mind cannot grasp why an adjuvant is needed in these TGs to arouse ‘an immune’ reaction. Unlike the more traditional methods of previous vaccine products, is it not the body’s own production of the spike protein that then acts as the ‘adjuvant?’
If they are to "DO NO HARM" so walk the talk, health regulators must stop recommending covid boosters and new covid vaccines until they thoroughly investigate methods to remove the endotoxin from the vaccine vials. And further, no more mRNA vaccines must be developed and distributed until they also are endotoxin free. And even further...what about the other vaccine vial components that cause harm, ds DNA, lipid nanoparticles, SV40, pseudouridine...they all need to be removed before the health regulators can claim "safe and effective"! Because the regulators TGA and FDA are funded mainly by the pharmaceutical industry whom they should be regulating (so applying penalties for inclusion of harmful contaminants, nondisclosure of multiple contents to the public and regulators), the current regulators need to be disbanded and replaced by government funded, independent bodies. A thorough cleansing of a sector so vital to public health.
There has never been any attempt to improve health locally or globally. It was all a a decoy master plan by the globalists to gain supreme control over everyone and everything. The mRNA was designed to facilitate this objective. The WEF.WHO,I F etc was merely a vehicle to deliver this world wide domination, Hitler would have been ecstatic.