Jul 6Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

stand up and do your Job Mortimer or you will be next on the chopping block when the people finally comprehend what you lot have done and continue to do to Our Federated and Independent Commonwealth Of Australia as Proclaimed and Gazzeted in 1900 and enacted (the Act) into Law in 1901.

all the Shekels on Earth will not save you.

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Jul 6Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

1. The Media

2. Government/Politicians

3. Regulatory Agencies

4. Police

5. The Military

6. The Pharmaceutical Industry

7. Hospitals

8. Medicine

9. Science

10. The WHO

Public trust in all these Institutions has collapsed under the weight of a Grand Deception.

Add now Number 11 - The Judiciary.

Scamdemic claims another scalp.

(We'll soon have our very own "Dirty Dozen").

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The judiciary will ignore this and never respond. They see it as beneath them and their job is to keep the established order in place. Justice for for suckers. You can’t afford these people. Go cry elsewhere. They have immunity l.

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Hi Mike, I understand your sentiment, though I will respectfully disagree and say that most judicial officers are up-standing Australians. Sure, as with every section of society, there are "tarnished, if not bad apples." The Judiciary, sadly, will from time to time suffer this same phenomena. The last time I looked at section72.au there was over 9000 people who have taken action regarding the Justice Rofe situation. I would suggest that that can't be ignored. And Chief Justice Mortimer, will need to front up to the High Court about the Writ of Mandamus. Even if they (Rofe and Mortimer) were to squirm through that, it would just cause more concern in the public arena. In the end, I can't see how Rofe can survive this, and the Chief Justice is going to get some legal 'cuts and bruises'. If the GMO Case makes in roads against the Office of Gene-Techology Regulator, it will be like a can opener. And all the worms will be exposed to the world!

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Jul 6Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

And open the door to sue the defence department who took over the running of the biowarfare response? It ain’t gonna happen. Judiciary sits under the defence department in times of war. They will be allows to protect their masters. We the people are collateral damage with no standing. 9000 voices is easy to ignore. 10 million voices is what’s needed

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The worst thing that can happen is any corruption will be exposed. And the more people who know this the better!!

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Yes, the Aussie military got involved, no doubt. But the boys and girls on the ground would have been motivated by the idea doing good based on the narrative, you know the big illustration. Keep pushing back mate!

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So chain of command. The soldiers are trained to obey orders and face disciplinary action for disobedience. But follow that chain of command up to its end point. The ultimate point of “buck stop”. That is a coordinated response that each member of the 5 eyes alliance reported to. That ends up in training of key personnel in what to do if a “big one breaks out”. That means predefined courses of Action of “playbooks”. These instructions are followed to the letter in times of crisis. Politicians can’t agree on much and in these crisis times they defer to the people trained in responding. In this instance BioWarfare plans were enacted. No lengthy discussion just controlled panic. In order not to frighten the natives a bunch of cover stories released such as “zoonotic origin” etc and the military as the savior and calming influences. Suppression of media and alternate media. Why is it that a bunch of censoring is going on? It’s to stop the general populace from

Becoming uncontrollable. I wonder what those internment camps that were built and now mothballed will be used for next time. Any person with a historical bent will be able to recognise this structured process can be rolled out again. Pharma was only doing what they were told and paid handsomely for. mRNA technology is the fastest defense against viral warfare. It’s lockdown until mRNA release. 100 day or faster. Now we’re building big factories to make our own fir next time. This run wasn’t China but an own goal. But next time it might be one for real. Question is what will each of us do then ? Line up an beg for the clot shot du jour if the fatality rate is 50/50. Sooner or later we gonna wake up and ress as like the bioweapon age has overtaken the nuclear age.

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Sure Mike, everything you are saying has plausibly. But you are “preaching to the converted”. So, I’m not sure what you hope to achieve by engaging with me. The GMO Case has legs that cannot be explained away with “that’s just implausible conjecture”. So, I hope you understand, at present I’m preoccupied furthering the FACT that the GMO Case is engaged in ‘battle’ in both the Federal and High Court of Australia and that has the ability to put a significant dent in the narrative. In my opinion that’s where we must ALL be focused. Cheers

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Well, please help to get to the 10 million !

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Will the judiciary forgoe their pay packets to protest and get demoted and sidelined and demonitised like our Hippocrates doctors did when the time came to stand up for their ethics? What about the police officers sworn to protect and swerve. Soldiers and police stood together to provide the ring of steel. Yep soldiers deployed. Who authorised that ? Wasn’t pollies. It was an overide. So the judiciary were in lockstep doing what they were told.

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I hear you Mike, and the way to correct the wrongs is to wake those asleep. So, please, help alert them; wake them up!

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Jul 6Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

That’s a given - but I’m talking to a bunch of medicos in my daily and they are robot automatons in Covid is the cause of the injuries never the vax. They are totally ok with injecting newborns

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Gaz....mate, i hear you but even you are only just touching the surface of what the Facts are; Mike is onto it; Quite a few Aussies are onto it but we are shut out of it by the LEGAL; why do you think the LEGAL wants people such as MIke, myself and many others silenced and shut out of the discussions?;

FACT of the matter is, the LEGAL is a toothless tiger; we are at WAR my friend and the Documented Evidence for this is not-too-hard to find if one cares to look; sadly, nowhere near enough care to look; they'd rather call us every derogatory name under the sun and simply refuse point blank to do any investigations of their own;

i personally have been banned/blocked by many so-called (Aussie) 'freedom fighters' and 'truthers' for airing that which i have here...i am called rude, arrogant, ridiculous, crazy and many other derogatory terms but i have the evidence and the proofs to back me up...all i get in rebuttal is name calling soon followed by the blocked button.

this alone should tell you exactly what we are up against.

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you know what Mike....you are one of the very few Aussies i have read from that knows exactly what 'Operation Warp Speed' was and how that 'operation' sits above the judiciary via all the 'emergency acts' that were fraudulently put in place at the behest of the US Military; it was not China or Russia that shut down the entire 'western world' folks; it was the US Department Of Defense under the command of one Donald J Trump;

real world Preparations for the scamdemic started in 2013 with all kinds of US Gov 'executive orders' that gave a US President powers over Foreign Jurisdictions;

how you might ask? well, US.inc has been a subversive Military Administrative Authority OVER Australia since the end of WWI; 'Australia' borrowed monies from the US to send young Australian men off shore during the 'boar wars'....62,000 young Aussies never came home but 'Australia' still owed the US which is how 'we' were obligated to fill the trenches with even more 'bodies' in WWI....'Australia' still owed the US and guess what, 'we' could not pay when US.inc demanded. yes DEMANDED' the debt be paid in full; as a result, 'Australia' fell under US Administration and 'we' have been ever since;

Australians (we, me) have been lied to about so much for so long that i know many of you reading this will call me all kinds of crazy....no doubt 'conspiracy theorist' has already entered the mind of many of you; such is the power of the Indoctrination Camps called the 'School Curriculum' (owned by Rothschilds) that anything that contradicts it is seen as 'madness'....

i digress;

There are many state (Aussie) 'health regulation acts' that gave the Military 'permission' to administer POISONS in times of 'Emergency Health Declarations' given during times of a 'World Health Threat' by the worlds 'Health Experts'....and we should all know by now who those 'world health experts' are;

WA and VIC made these 'health regulations' in 2016 if i remember correctly...the rest of the country followed soon after and a few 'amendments' were made along the road to 2019;

so many seemingly 'intelligent' people miss the FACT that 'COVID' was and is a US DoD Military led Campaign...yes, Campaign;

what does that mean?; well it basically means that US.inc declared WAR on the serfs of the entire world as they forced the majority to concede to entering into "the worlds largest Vaccine trial";

and if you don't know by now which breed of 'people' have control of the JewSA, then i guess you never will.

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Thanks for your informative and effective comment Mark. I didn’t know we “owed” America since Boer war, I thought it was more recent, like WWII.

I’m sorry people treat you the way you’ve described. They have closed minds to say the least. I always try to keep an open mind, but with regard to everything going around about these injections, I just get confused, and eventually have to stop reading. I know they are really really bad, and that will do for now. As for what to ingest (I really mean what to physically take!) against all this technology that is coming at us from everywhere, if indeed anything will help, I’m just sitting it out for now. People say even vitamin supplements may contain nanotech. I’m trying to look to the future, hopefully we have a future!

You have probably educated me more in this one comment, than I’ve been educated by many substack articles I read. And you worded it just simply fine.

I don’t go on any social media except substack, and some video/podcast platforms if recommended. I wouldn’t last long on FB, X, etc, I get too angry!

I worry about substack though, every man and his dog is there-is substack gathering information for a not too distant future? I hope not. And don’t let those closed minded, mean spirited ignorant humans bother you. It sounds to me that you are used to such pathetic attacks of “adult” tantrums. Keep telling truth! You probably are getting truth to many, and even to some of the blockers.

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Jul 8Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Gaz with you 100%. GMO case might just be the chink in the armour that gives a pathway to justice for vax injured and those forced to take it for job and food on table. I try to look at the terrain from 40000 feet up but realise that your in the trenches doing hand to hand. Grateful for your efforts. Get through GMO first then the next and the next and so on. The people who structured the response are not creatures of the daylight. They very rarely come out from the shadows. Their courts are not the same as civilians. Hopefully there is a path in legal terms. I am not familiar with this aspect of the legislation and precedents.

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deletedJul 6Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice
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And help it along, by visiting section72.au and take some action against the misconduct.

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