Aug 17Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Great research. We must know what we are not being told. If billionaires are funding politics parties and politicians, then we have already lost democracy!

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Aug 17Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice


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It is indeed. You think these kinds of people would have your back. No, they want to rid the earth of people like yo and me :(

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Dennis Meadows, member of the Club of Rome and co-authored the book, 'Limits to Growth' describes the desire to reduce the World's population "in a civil way".

"the planet can only sustain 1 Billion People"

"you could have 8 or 9 billion, but you'd have to have a very strong dictatorship"

Something like a One World Government perhaps?


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Indeed Mark, watch the video on this link … Meadows first up, then into the whole depopulation stuff … https://open.substack.com/pub/oxgmcxo/p/flash-back-15?r=pf0i9&utm_medium=ios

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