thank you Gaz .. excellent Australian and Human

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You are very welcome Julian, and let’s not forget your hard work, and Maryanne! I certainly hope everyone the watches it shares with everyone they know. 👍

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The best short video summary of the COVID-19 Shots I’ve seen.

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Thanks for that high praise.

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Thanks Gaz, travelling at the moment, looking forward to watching this later.

As you say, “Millions were exposed without informed consent…”

It’s mind-boggling!

A concocted crisis to steal billions from the people for bogus tests and vaccines. And to control people via masks/muzzling and surveillance.

Australians were imprisoned in the country for two years, prevented from crossing state borders, all in response to common respiratory symptoms called ‘Covid’…portrayed as a ‘deadly disease’, that doesn’t kill most people.

The degree of treachery is off the scale…

Now to go after those responsible…

See for example:

- Why weren't doctors, nurses and pharmacists warned not to collaborate with coercive and mandatory COVID-19 vaccination? Devastating failure to protect the public by Ahpra and the National Boards, 5 July 2024: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/why-werent-doctors-nurses-and-pharmacists-warned-not-to-collaborate-with-coercive-and-mandatory-covid-19-vaccination.pdf

- Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination, 6 June 2024: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

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Thanks for that Elizabeth. I'm sure you will be impressed by the presentation. I really hope this video goes viral. The people who crafted the words are well and truly in the know. An Maryanne's voice over is just great! Keep at them!

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Gene therapies, lipid nanoparticles, spike protein…

Crikey, does anyone have a clue what they’re doing with this stuff, and all against a collection of common respiratory symptoms that aren’t a serious threat to most people, as was admitted by the WHO at the beginning.

And now countless people have been injected under coercion and mandates, with the medical ‘profession’ collaborating with this assault on personal autonomy and bodily integrity, the destruction of voluntary informed consent for these medical interventions.

When are the perpetrators of this crime going to be brought to account?

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Your frustration is justified. The introduction of gene therapies, lipid nanoparticles, and spike protein-based interventions under the guise of emergency responses has raised serious questions about both the scientific prudence and ethical integrity of those driving these campaigns.

At the outset, the WHO did downplay the severity for most people—yet somehow, that narrative shifted into mass coercion. Mandates were pushed with little regard for individual risk profiles, trampling over the principles of voluntary, informed consent. The medical profession, once trusted to protect personal autonomy and bodily integrity, has in many cases become complicit, bowing to institutional pressure and political mandates.

This wasn't just about health; it became an exercise in control. People were left with no real choice, pressured under the threat of job loss, travel restrictions, and social exclusion—actions that stand in direct violation of long-established rights. Informed consent, once a cornerstone of ethical medical practice, was obliterated. What we saw was a sweeping assault on bodily autonomy with very little long-term understanding of these experimental therapies' consequences.

When will the perpetrators be held accountable? It won’t happen unless we demand transparency, accountability, and justice. Those who pushed these interventions and silenced dissent must be called to answer for the damage done. The truth must be brought into the light, and the sanctity of personal autonomy restored—because this kind of overreach can never be allowed to happen again.

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Re the TGA approval process…

Former CMO, and then Health Secretary Brendan Murphy, lied to the Australian public about the vaccines being ‘fully approved’ in February 2021. See my email to Brendan Murphy: COVID-19 vaccines are NOT fully approved by the TGA, 24 February 2021:


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Yes, in the true sense of the words, he did lie. However, Murphy, like all bureaucrats and politicians are accomplished in the "Art of Doublespeak" a component of the Manipulation of Language! https://oxgmcxo.substack.com/p/the-art-of-doublespeak and https://oxgmcxo.substack.com/p/the-manipulation-of-language

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Great work Gaz...

Getting your body to mount animmune response to your own cells had danger written all over it from the start... let alone meddling with your own cells delicately timed complex mRNA system, responsible for cellular identity and function... Biodistribution studies showed this formula would travel everywhere, including across the blood brain barrier, ovaries and was even found in bone marrow... Wouldn't take a genius to see the immediate danger to the victim of these injections from the foundational level, yet so many complied and went along with this crap, especially scientists and doctors who really should have known better.

There's a line in "Idiocracy" when they couldn't believe that the sports drink they used to irrigate their crops, killed the plants... "But it has electrolytes" was the classic line by those who couldn't think beyond the advertising...

"But it creates antibodies" could've the line of those in the medical community who went along with this obviously dangerous plan, they didn't think about HOW it creates antibodies... This method of antibody creation had insanity woven all through it. Let alone these are IgG antibodies created, useless for a respiratory pathogen which would require IgA antibody production to help prevent infection or transmission.

The video is excellent, great production values too, well done to you and Maryanne.

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Well, you will know if you read my short bio on substack, I'm no medical guru. But I can read. So, by the middle of 2021 I had concluded after a personal benefit/risk analysis that the so-called cure was going to potentially much worst than the 'disease' so I decline (at much cost) the kool aid. Best wade of money I've every spend. Thanks for the compliment, and I'm sure Maryanne will see it too. Please circulate the video for the greater good. (p.s. my efforts are pro bono!)

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Yep, I took the job loss rather than the jab too... Much like you I don't regret it at all. My (what I thought were useless) studies in biology and microbiology at uni years ago suddenly came in very handy... I was deep into the psyop until they started getting excited about mRNA injections for everyone...

A huge "WTF!!?" moment for me for sure...

Up until that point I had complete faith in all our institutions to see us through anything...

I still thought they'd pull this stuff from market once they could see the damage, the mistake, of such a crazy idea, but no... They kept on rolling...

Plasmid gate, nope, they're still pushing it... and building factories everywhere for it...

At this stage I feel like we're trapped in a Jonestown scenario, where the rest of society, especially government institutions, has been mysteriously hypnotized into a conviction that everyone "must" take this proven deadly product.

Thanks for the fantastic article and video, so glad you could see through the madness too.

A big dose of the Milgram Authority experiment and Asch Conformity experiment was set upon us all, and it is great to see quite a few saw through it for their own unique positions. It scares me how close I was to not seeing through this had it not been for uni biology studies done 30 years ago.

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all you need to know is this:

Here’s Pfizer’s OWN safety data that Pfizer DEMANDED to keep SECRET for 75 years: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf

Look at Table 1, under Fatalities, and then check out Table 6 under Pregnancies & children... It's better than the morning after pill, as the miscarriage rate is over 90%! & as far as children go, ALL had adverse events following being injected.... then go to The Appendix...

In case you believe the FDA did not know about what to expect... check out: http://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download and look at Page 16 (it was a slide, during the original presentation) and it shows that on October 22, 2020 they were already aware, and so should the "Public" health professionals in the US, and by extension the world.

There's more..

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj6-QDVYbv8 - one of the "experts"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNc9PqIZ31M - Bill Gates says: “SADLY” Omicron is a type of a vaccine

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ0_VAEniVM - there was “NO compulsory” vaccinations, NZ

https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1706676593261785178 - Musk’s OWN on X, re: “highly effective”

https://rumble.com/v3mcvyu-no-one-is-safe-covid-19-montage-by-matt-orfalea.html - “no one is safe”

At this point, ONLY Nuremberg 2.0 will suffice. Military style Justice! No Legalistic delays! I believe the punishment for breaching the Nuremberg Code has NOT changed since it was established.


Lest we Forget:

https://www.facebook.com/NoMoreLockdowns.org/videos/714993519153177 - the number of dead from/with Covid: 587, ALL (!!!)... but 2, were residents in Long Term Care Homes across BC,

https://www.facebook.com/NoMoreLockdowns.org/videos/811405466379620 - CTV News, Break down: 10,947 Covid deaths, with 910,781 (OVER 98%!) of those in Long Term Care Facilities in Quebec & Ontario,

https://www.facebook.com/NoMoreLockdowns.org/videos/1311064639252326 - Ontario “Public” health official live micophone recording,

https://www.facebook.com/NoMoreLockdowns.org/videos/654136421948759 - Ontario “Public” health official on PCR test finding over 50% FALSE positives.

https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=880351869428769 -

https://www.facebook.com/NoMoreLockdowns.org/videos/206168254462804 : “we cannot force somebody, so we will accommodate”... how quickly that changed!

https://www.facebook.com/NoMoreLockdowns.org/videos/743106229922820 - “vaccine passport” requirement,

https://www.facebook.com/randy.hillier/videos/959461211143191 - epidemiologist in Sept 2020

and there's more...

like: https://rumble.com/v41qk14-recorded-livestream-with-dr.-david-martin-facts-matter-conference-copenhagen.html … and: https://rumble.com/v45r0bt-the-true-efficacy-of-covid-19-vaccines.html … and: much... much more ... we're almost there... blessings

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Thanks for this article and video. Did you read this article by legal expert and journalist Katherine Watt? She has uncovered the parallel legal structure (kill box) under which these injectable weapons (developed by the military complex and pharma simply slaps their label on it) are regulated. Vaccines have never been regulated as pharmaceutical products. That is because it is not possible to regulate intentional poisons as pharmaceuticals. https://substack.com/@sashalatypova/note/c-68515109

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Actually, Katherine and Sasha Latypova, an ex-pharmaceutical industry executive, have been disclosing this hypothesis for some time and while its integrating, it its outside the focus of the presentation The Truth About COVID-19 Shots. Which is, by-enlarge, the basis for the GMO Case which has been submitted to the Australian Federal Court. I suspect, when this case is heard, it will pave the way for many more truths that are out there. Perhaps even Katherine and Sasha assertions.

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These Covid jabs are transforming the human genome into a synthetic modified rna based genome, what are the consequences of such change into the integration of these modified rna based living being, are we still human or not? What will happen to humanity?

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It surely doesn’t look good for everyone on the planet! What might happen? We can’t dismiss an extreme “thinning of the herd” 🥺

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Have a Look at Pfizer’s “Secret Report”? It’s a Bombshell

Pfizer’s “Secret” Report on the Covid “Vaccine”. Beyond Manslaughter.

The Evidence is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should Be Immediately Withdrawn Worldwide

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research, April 18, 2024

Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine

The Legal Implications: Mea Culpa

Please continue to read full article and also Read the complete Pfizer Report of deaths and vaccine injuries hereunder >



2. Pfizer* doc Feb 2021: READ THE COMPLETE PFIZER REPORT of deaths and vaccine injuries here particularly pages 30 - 38 >


Reminder > Allegedly, Pfizer and the FDA tried to suppress these deaths and injuries (which they refer to as ‘post marketing experience’ ) for 55 years I believe, and the PHMPT (Public Health Medical Professionals for Transparency) took them to Court to have the data released.

Fortunately they apparently got a Judge who did not have any ties / financial interests / conflicts of interest and made them release the data.


THE TIME OF COVID - A Report by Phillip M. Altman BPharm (Hons), MSc, PhD

Clinical Trial & Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs Consultant

August 9, 2022

Please read full Paper >



mRNA is a class one carcinogen

Professor Ian Brighthope https://ianbrighthope.substack.com/p/mrna-is-a-class-one-carcinogen

Apr 17, 2024 Today, on behalf of my professional friends and medical colleagues, I declare the mRNA vaccines to be class one carcinogen.

mRNA is also a broad-spectrum mutagen.

mRNA must be banned internationally.

Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan


Statistically significant increases in age-adjusted mortality rates of all cancer and some specific types of cancer, namely, ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate, lip/oral/pharyngeal, pancreatic, and breast cancers, were observed in 2022 after two-thirds of the Japanese population had received the third or later dose of SARSCoV-2 mRNA-LNP vaccine. These particularly marked increases in mortality rates of these ERα-sensitive cancers may be attributable to several mechanisms of the mRNA-LNP vaccination rather than COVID-19 infection itself or reduced cancer care due to the lockdown. The significance of this possibility warrants further studies. This article was previously posted to the Zenodo repository server on September 18, 2023.

Full Paper here >


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Great collection of information here!

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Thanks for the compliment. Please share, so as people are alert as possible. 👍

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Here in the states, it seemed like Australia and New Zealand had gone full bore Medical Fascism during the Covid epidemic. Any Dr. who dared treat Covid with a Hydroxychloroquine protocol or, worse, Ivermectin, would have their license pulled immediately. Things happened which anyone a year earlier would have considered impossible. Life saving information was suppressed, censored, blocked, denounced, ridiculed. It was a propaganda campaign like no other ever seen and if we do not learn from it, we will suffer the same fate again, ONLY WORSE.

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We have a lot of work to do to reverse this assault upon our freedoms and rights and reestablish proper moral and ethical practices in medicine. But also regarding the exercise governmental power. I suggest that everyone do something to push back against this tyranny. One simple way is to share the video in an attempt to alert those blind to what has been done to themselves and their families!

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Have a copy of the deposition that Moderna made to the SEC re these jabs; it confirms that the FDA sees them as gene therapy shots.

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☞ In your first link, the SEC stating the jabs are gene therapy only proves the SEC made a comment.

☞ To prove gene therapy, a product needs to alter transcription or translation as defined in your 2nd link. Still definitions of what needs to happen are not a proof of what happened from a shot.

👉Can you provide a paper showing purified transcription sequences and/or translation products are modified from the non-injected naive state of a genome?

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See the document. It was a deposition TO the SEC, quoting the FDA. The SEC said nothing. And no, I haven't got links to the papers, tho' it seems to be common knowledge they were gene therapy, backed up by the WHO TWICE changing the definition of "vaccine" so that these could be falsely classified as such, thereby not requiring the standard ten to twelve years needed to test and authorise a "new mode" medication.

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-True, the SEC wrote what the FDA said. Still, that is not proof of gene therapy.

-So are you saying, they are gene-therapies in fact (not just the fact of what an Agency says), or you are saying they are using the unproven statement of gene therapy to classify the shots as vaxes, or both?

-If you do not have a paper as I noted above, then whatever games the Agencies want to play they can until they turn blue, but there is no proof the Vaxes are gene-therapy in reality until such paper is produced and reviewed.

👉The gene-therapy dig is a distraction from the poisonous nano particles.

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Papers, well, yeah. You must have noticed the endless stream of junk papers on Covid, no?

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Papers are very important.

1. If there are papers purporting DNA in the shots but don’t prove it, then that can easily be exposed. In 2020, the seminal Fan Wu paper purporting a Covid virus was easily exposed.

2. If there are no papers purporting DNA in the shots then that means there’s no sense to talk about DNA in the shots.

👉So for DNA in the shots, there is one paper proving nothing, it's in my other comment on this post. And since you don't have a paper as you admit we should not be talking about DNA in shots. We seem to be going in circles JP.

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"we should not be talking about DNA in shots. "

I wasn't...

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Geoff Pain was good enough to send me the link this morning. You should proud of yourself mate excellent work.

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Thanks Damon! I'm doing this for one reason. To expose those who have betrayed us with their lies. Too many of my friends and family have been jabbed with that poison, and I want justice for them and all Australians! If you like the post enough, please send it on. The Fidge Team needs our help to spread the word! My video for them is just a small contribution to the bigger picture. Thanks again for your appreciation.

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Don't you worry about the sending it on mate. We all play our parts and I'm quite happy to be an Indian not a chief. It's already been sent around

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Great work Gaz 👍

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Maryanne, it really wouldn't be as good as it is, without your input. So, great work right back at you! :)

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Ahhhh, the dulcet tones of MD 😂😂

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Vaccine Ingredients >

LEARN THE RISK > We honour and thank Brandy Vaughan


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Brilliant summary and thanks to all the legal efforts so far. The travesty is not only for the obvious harms like side effects, death and disease which are now well documented but here is also a silent problem as in my case where relatives and spouses deny that there is any problem and therefore are happy to crucify anyone with half a brain as opposed to trusting and believing the Tell-lie-vision and the mouthpieces on it. This unfortunately would appear to be part of the intent in splitting families, friends etc up. The old divide and conquer is very much the case. The medical ramifications is only the start of the whole mess. Unfortunately it would seem that hitting your head against a brick wall is par for the course especially when the powers that be are so aligned with the bigger picture and those pushing it.

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Thank you for your thoughtful reflection. The situation you describe is indeed a painful reality for many, where not only the physical harms of the pandemic but the psychological and social fractures it caused have been profound. The divide-and-conquer tactics—where disagreement on public health issues leads to broken relationships—appear all too common. It's disheartening to witness how distrust in one another has been fueled by the media and authorities, often leaving rational discourse buried beneath fear and division. Stay strong in your pursuit of truth, even when it feels like hitting a brick wall—courage in these times is crucial.

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Wow. This video is brilliant. It’s so clear and well laid out. The corruption in Australia is horrible, and hard to watch all around us. I’m sharing this as far as I can. Thank you!

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Superb quality video. well done.

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Thanks for the compliment. Please share the heck out of it !!

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