1 Comment
Aug 8Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

I am pretty sure I have seen this film, but am definitely going to go back and watch it again. Your commentary is great and is a reminder of how in line I am with everything you have shared. My commitment over the last 30 years to develop a framework of peace has been fueled by films like this. My conclusion after my lifetime of analysis is that we have to understand, value and prioritise 'life'....all life. We need to go further than human-centred design and understand that it is the shared characteristics of all life that ought to be the basis of all our system design. I have described this in my Peace Bull booklets: six propositions for peace. The basis of the life centred design I propose are ten universal optimum need states, based on shared characteristics of all life: optimum change, optimum choice, optimum communication, optimum conflict, optimum connection, optimum consciousness, optimum energy, optimum form, optimum motion and optimum space. I am developing these ten need states into a design tool called Peace Compass. The purpose of creating this design tool is to make it easier for people to make a choice that leads to peace rather than a choice that leads to corruption.

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