Sep 16·edited Sep 17Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Excellent piece here Gaz. As a professional applied linguist in Japan for 41 years now, more than most Japanese, I've been better able to see the same techniques here from the viewpoint of an outsider.

But as a social primate, our tribal instinct is what prevents most people from reaching any kind of objective distance from the narrative of their immediate group identity. I guess each individual is somewhere on a continuum between willful ignorance and that tribal / familial instinct. For all but the most sociopathic, that makes moral judgement particularly problematic.

Lots to think about.

Thanks for a well thought-out post.


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Steve, thank you so much for all those kind words. I have had an awareness and interest in the idea of “doublespeak” for sometime and had accumulated some information, which I was used to construct “The Art of Doublespeak.” I’m unsure how I developed it, but I have a deep scepticism for politicians and bureaucrats in authority and a low inclination towards mindlessly following the herd. Look forward to your reactions to more of my posts. 👍

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Sep 16Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Thank you Gaz.

I came rather late to game as long time idealist wanting to assume the best of people while turning my gaze towards exploring the limits and potential of logic, language, and that philosophical triumverate of art, science, and religion.

But the more I saw of petty politics in the workplace, the closer I came to that addictum attributed to Mark Twain ... "The more I understand about people, the better I like my dog." Thanks to a handful, I am not yet a full blown misanthrope, but have to struggle to keep my thoughts on the positive side. So I hope you can over look a bit of the pessimism that creeps into my assessment of the collective human species.

Cheers Gaz. I think we are going to get along just fine.


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I certainly have an understanding of your sentiment. Though, for me its my cat! But like you is those few aware people that keep me positive. And I will admit I become a bit distention and a bit of a pessimist at times. But again its those few that lift my spirits. Look forward to more comments from you. Best regards.

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Sep 16Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

George Orwell would be seeking a plagiarism suit against Klaus Schwab. Did he know something?

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Yes, it’s fascinating just how insightful Orwell was with his literature. Another, very insightful thinker was Aldous Huxley. I believe the likes of Schwab have well and truly committed plagiarism with many dystopian novels!

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