Have you listened to the Lawrence Dunegan recordings re the lecture by Richard Day?

I first heard about these on the Sage Hanna substack.

You can access the recordings here. Tape IV is a later summary of Tapes I-III


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In fact I have Elizabeth. I’ll post my notes on my substack for you. I made them when I first heard them, about ten years ago. Give me 20 minutes :)

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Oh wow, you heard them ten years ago!

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Yep, even then, things were very reflective of the revelations. One can only speculate about these things. Thanks for the prompt. My notes should be up now.

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Fluoride Industrial Waste Disposal via Public Drinking Water is one strategy to reduce fertility.

Non-Fluoridated Queensland always had higher live birth rates until the Bligh Mandate.

Jabbing is another means of reducing the population via the gonads.


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I have no doubt about your assertions, Geoff! In fact, after delving deeper into the issue of population control and understanding documents like the "Kissinger Report," it's clear that once you're aware, there's no turning back—no matter how hard some might try to deny it. This is precisely why many people choose to remain "willfully blind." This idea was central to my article, "Seeing Beyond the Message" (24/7/24). I'm increasingly finding that "population control" serves as an underlying explanation for numerous unusual topics. For instance, voluntary sterilization through sex change operations contributes to population control. Similarly, the promotion of certain reproductive health policies, the emphasis on childfree lifestyles, the normalization of late marriages, and the widespread availability of contraception and abortion services also play into this agenda. These strategies are often subtly woven into broader social and health initiatives, masking their true intent. Not to mention the overt use of foreign aid money as leverage to pressure countries into implementing population control measures, further revealing the global scope and deliberate nature of these efforts.

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