Oct 1Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Your story speaks volumes about the ongoing attack on free speech and the use of bureaucratic and legal machinery to destroy dissenters without ever addressing the truth. The treatment you’ve endured—public ridicule, professional defamation, and targeted attacks—is emblematic of a deeper corruption that goes far beyond individual cases. It reveals a systemic effort to silence those who question authority, particularly when it comes to public health policies. This isn’t just about you or those like you—it’s a much larger issue, a battle for the preservation of truth, free speech, and fundamental human rights in the face of a coordinated assault by those who hold power.

The perpetrators of this defamation and character assassination are not just individuals acting out of malice but representatives of a system built on maintaining control over the narrative at all costs. Public health officials, media conglomerates, and regulatory bodies—often operating under the influence of powerful global interests—have weaponized their platforms to suppress dissent and crush any opposition to their directives. The fact that media outlets and regulatory agencies are willing to distort facts and spread lies without any consequence speaks to their complicity in a larger agenda that prioritizes control over public discourse above all else.

These defamatory actions are not isolated incidents but part of a broader attempt to rewrite the boundaries of acceptable speech, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Those who challenge the dominant narrative are vilified, scapegoated, and silenced, while the real perpetrators—the officials and entities perpetuating misinformation in the name of profit and control—continue to act with impunity.

The “MAD Bill” and the eSafety Commissioner are yet another step in this war against free speech. These institutions will not protect the public from lies or harmful disinformation; instead, they will serve as instruments to further entrench the power of those who manipulate truth to fit their agendas. They won’t hold media outlets accountable for their falsehoods, nor will they challenge the corporations and bureaucrats driving these policies. They will target individuals like you—people who dare to question and expose the failures of the system.

As for defamation law in Australia, the statute of limitations for civil defamation claims is usually one year from the date of publication of the defamatory material.

However, under certain circumstances, an extension may be granted if the court finds it was not reasonable for the plaintiff to have commenced proceedings within that time. This limitation period puts immense pressure on individuals, who are often already overwhelmed by the emotional and financial toll of defending their reputations, making it difficult to seek justice against well-resourced entities like media conglomerates or government agencies.

For the sake of our children and future generations, we must continue to expose and pressure the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity. The world must be reminded that truth and integrity matter, even in a climate where deception has become the norm. Your perseverance, despite the defamation and harassment, serves as a powerful example of the resistance needed to stand up against this injustice. Let this be a clarion call for others to fight back, to question, to dissent, and to resist any attempt to erase our most fundamental freedoms.

By the way I’m a South Aussie too!

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Oct 1Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Michaelia Cash is no paragon of virtue when making statements decrying mis-information.

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Fair call Peter. I guess we latch onto to states that make sense to us 🤨

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Well said. I wish mine was as articulate as yours...but it added to the expected huge pile of rejection letters. Thank you Gaz

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Thanks, Jack. To me, what truly matters isn’t the ‘quality’ of the story but that it’s told, and you’ve done just that with this brief account. Well done! As for our stories being rejected … that doesn’t mean they aren’t noted. Sooner or later, those who collaborated in the shadows will face the consequences, one way or another.

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