The FDA issued an EUA for the pfizer mRNA jabs in Dec 2020 and reported that there was "no evidence" that the vaccine prevents transmission of covid from person to person. They deliberately prevented known "safe and effective" (and early) treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, presumably to force us to take their supposedly experimental toxic mRNA soup. The Commonwealth Immunisation Handbook and the Nuremburg Code both have strong similarities that require valid informed consent for vaccines and "experimental" treatments to be given. The evidence of harm and coverup is strong, and yet they still promote this poison as "safe and effective". Covid was never a pandemic, and positive readings from a super sensitive PCR test elevated the numbers. It is also likely that the PCR tests were positive to other viruses. Surely, what is already known should be sufficient evidence to prosecute these tyrants?
WA is still full of tyrants like that Deputy Commissioner who just fired 11 officers and some staff members for not getting the genetic therapy shots. The man needs to go to Rottenest Island and go swimming with the great white sharks.
If I were in WA I'd get thousands to march on his administration and rout the bastard out of office... and any of his hangers on. It's time to get your lives back from these totalitarian new world disordered facists from hell.
When we have a Royal Commission, Milne and Carrivick advice commissioned by the Queensland and Western Australian State Governments and endorsed by the "National Cabinet" will be more widely known. In brief, it was to spread Coronavirus as quickly as possible because the jabs were clearly not working.
There is another issue relating to "Necessities" that Govt's and Authorities don't want the public to understand.
This law relating to "Duties to provide Necessities" as written in "Queensland Criminal Law" by Justice Reginald Francis Carter and associated Judges.
Govt's are breaking these laws daily in relation to basic human needs and rights in common in Australia, when some people receive their needs but others are told they cannot have their needs met because the Govt departments etc say they have no funding etc
The FDA issued an EUA for the pfizer mRNA jabs in Dec 2020 and reported that there was "no evidence" that the vaccine prevents transmission of covid from person to person. They deliberately prevented known "safe and effective" (and early) treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, presumably to force us to take their supposedly experimental toxic mRNA soup. The Commonwealth Immunisation Handbook and the Nuremburg Code both have strong similarities that require valid informed consent for vaccines and "experimental" treatments to be given. The evidence of harm and coverup is strong, and yet they still promote this poison as "safe and effective". Covid was never a pandemic, and positive readings from a super sensitive PCR test elevated the numbers. It is also likely that the PCR tests were positive to other viruses. Surely, what is already known should be sufficient evidence to prosecute these tyrants?
WA is still full of tyrants like that Deputy Commissioner who just fired 11 officers and some staff members for not getting the genetic therapy shots. The man needs to go to Rottenest Island and go swimming with the great white sharks.
I saw that report ... it's a disgrace!
If I were in WA I'd get thousands to march on his administration and rout the bastard out of office... and any of his hangers on. It's time to get your lives back from these totalitarian new world disordered facists from hell.
They are very good at protesting against Mandatory Jabbing in Western Australia.
more to be found
When we have a Royal Commission, Milne and Carrivick advice commissioned by the Queensland and Western Australian State Governments and endorsed by the "National Cabinet" will be more widely known. In brief, it was to spread Coronavirus as quickly as possible because the jabs were clearly not working.
I should get compensated because my blood continues to boil with disgust at the actions of these government simps and psychopaths.
I respectfully state, “you are not an orphan!”
There is another issue relating to "Necessities" that Govt's and Authorities don't want the public to understand.
This law relating to "Duties to provide Necessities" as written in "Queensland Criminal Law" by Justice Reginald Francis Carter and associated Judges.
Govt's are breaking these laws daily in relation to basic human needs and rights in common in Australia, when some people receive their needs but others are told they cannot have their needs met because the Govt departments etc say they have no funding etc
We hear nothing about it in the states.