Dear God...We are so FUCKED!

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Well, it hasn't looked good for some time. I made that video over two years ago. Yet, all that the 'authorities have said, its safe and effective! That is of course a lie. Alicia, just share the information as best you can. The people who have done this must face justice!

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I am so Pissed Gaz. I don't know what the fuck we are waiting for. You know I used to watch those indoctrinating movies when I had no clue what they were doing. I remember watching Schindler's BULLSHIT List and thinking to myself, WTF is wrong with those people. 2 Nazi guards to every 100 Jews, Right? Grow some balls, Get the fucking gun out of the Nazi's hands, and shoot his M F ass with it. It's so clear to me, Right? A no-brainer. I didn't and still don't understand why the Fuck you would line up for your own DEATH? Who does that? Not Me.! I'm not a Jew. I don't think that way. How do I get my People to fucking wake up and just STAND the FUCK UP? I have been trying for over 20 years non-stop. I am a Whistleblower. I have been to an endless amount of Protests. I was part of the 1.5 MILLION People who went DC to march against Obamanation. I was pointing guns at the scumbag BLM at the Bundy Ranch Standoff, who were pointing guns at us. I didn't know the Bundy Family. But he was American and called out for help, so 1500 people showed up because that's what you do. Right? You Stand the Fuck Up for one another. Right? That was the shot heard around the world Gaz, and everybody saw how We made the BLM Stand Down, and that the Power truly is in the People!!!. I just knew we had it after that...but NO. I am an American and I have NO FEAR. No man is ever going to tell me what the fuck I can and can't do. I am Locked and Loaded and Ready, because I have lost all hope that America will find its courage. They will have to put a bullet in my melon, but that's after I take some of them with me. I will NOT live in a fucking satanic-driven New World Order! Id Rather be DEAD! LOL...Thank you for letting me rant. I am so tired of this RIDICULOUS, doesn't have be happening SHIT!!!

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