Thanks Gaz, as you say this must confirm doubts and suspicion in the trust we have placed on government authorities. For my experience, I started doubting the government when I observed what they had authorised with the Bio Security Act 1911, when they clandestinely amended it to become the Bio Security amendment Act 2017 and changed it from applying to exotic animal diseases to being directly affecting humans,

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" . . . in the trust we have placed on government authorities."

TGA sits outside of the Aussie Grubberment and is only an advisory entity.

It is 96% funded by the Maffia Pharma Drug Companies. TGA uses the Aussie Signia under false pretences. The TGA is Corporation and has it's own ABN number. Go do your own research and also see if it registered on the USA stock exchange.

Being 96% funded by the Maffia Pharma Drug Companies, who do you think TGA is Answerable to?

Everything Is Smoke and Mirrors.

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cancers on therise

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I hear this often. It would be adventurous to have some official statistical data supporting this assertion. I believe its there, I just haven't seen any yet. :(

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Easy, they've chosen a side and it's not on the public's. Its a coup and this is a blatant strike, they're delaying like mad to ensure the plan(whatever that is) continues.

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