Here is my email to my local council ...

Dear [Councillor Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you concerning a matter that has recently come to my attention through a friend living in Port Hedland, Western Australia. It appears that the Port Hedland Council is taking a significant stance on an issue that could have profound implications for communities across the country, including ours—namely, DNA contamination in medical treatments.

It is my understanding that the Port Hedland Council is either planning to circulate or has already circulated this information to councils across Australia, including a detailed report by Dr. David Speicher on DNA contamination and associated letters from Russell Broadbent MP. The aim of this effort appears to be to bring this matter to the attention of Australia’s 537 local councils, potentially triggering a legal duty of care for each council to address the findings.

The potential impact of this outreach is considerable. If councils take up this issue, it could place pressure on Canberra to break its silence and address the growing concerns. This is particularly pressing given the report's suggestion of a link between the contamination and a rise in aggressive cancers, as highlighted by Professor Angus Dalgleish’s statement during a recent council meeting in Port Hedland.

Given the potential health implications and the emphasis on a coordinated response, I am keen to understand more about this situation. Specifically, I would appreciate your perspective on the following:

* What is your understanding of the DNA contamination issue raised by the Port Hedland Council?

* What actions, if any, will our local council take in response to this information?

* How will you ensure that our community’s interests and safety are protected in light of these findings?

This matter could have serious consequences for public health, and it is crucial that our local government is actively engaged and informed. I would greatly appreciate your insights and any plans you have to address this pressing concern.

Thank you for your time and attention to this important issue. I look forward to your response.

Kind regards,

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I'm convinced it was Port Hedlands imminent action that caused the state to drop mandates. I'm so grateful at least one council is not completely corrupt.

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Thankyou Gaz particularly for the pro forma letter at the end ....very useful to make our councils accountable!

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View the prerecorded address to Port Hedland Council by Angus Dalgleish here:


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Thanks Geoff

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Check, their move.

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We may have to nudge the Darwin City Council to respond. Nudging Vaskalis would be like kicking a corpse; little by way of response.

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Shit!! I wish I had time to drive to Port Hedland!!

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Perhaps you could give your local councillor a call and have a yarn? "Hey, what's going on with this contamination thing in Port Hedland?"

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Will do. I’ll send an email to all of them 👍 (like to keep records)

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Angus in 2 places at once? Perhaps he will take advantage of the 3 hour time difference between Melbourne and Port Hedland.


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LOL ... Yes, I immediately noticed that myself Geoff. And a millisecond later I thought, "Zoom" or alike.

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I have just seen the 467 MB video clip of Angus addressing Port Hedland Council, prerecorded in Ian Brighthope's home.

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Where can it be accessed Geoff?

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Added the link to the comments thread Gaz. Julian circulated it.

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Got your name from the TGA debacle. Thanks for your work.

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Thanks for your support. How exactly did you hear of my substack from the “TGA debacle”?

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Is there a transcript of Prof. D's statement available yet?

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Professor Angus Dalgleish’s Address to the Port Hedland Council Special Meeting

Good evening, Mayor and fellow councillors. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to address this special meeting. It is both an honor and a solemn duty to speak on an issue of profound importance to the health and future of all Australians—an issue that centers on the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines administered to millions of people, raising unsettling concerns about previously unknown information. The critical findings I will present today underscore the need for urgent action to mitigate the potential public health consequences that lie ahead.

The science behind these concerns is long-established, but tragically, it seems to have been overlooked until now. The concerns raised in the science summary, which was co-authored by MP Russell Broadbent and several eminent international experts, myself included, are rooted in well-established scientific research. This is not theoretical or speculative. Decades of research have demonstrated the risks associated with foreign DNA integrating into human cells, leading to potentially catastrophic outcomes. The synthetic DNA contamination detected in Australian vials of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, as documented by David Speicher, presents significant risks of genomic instability, which can manifest as cancers, immune disorders, and hereditary diseases.

To explain further, these vaccines contain lipid nanoparticles that encapsulate synthetic DNA fragments. These nanoparticles deliver this DNA into various organs throughout the body, where it has the potential to integrate into our own genetic material. As such, these vaccines are not traditional vaccines—they are, in fact, a form of gene therapy. The consequences of this genomic integration, as the scientific literature makes clear, can lead to cancer development, immune system disruption, and more. The sheer levels of contamination detected—up to 145 times the permissible limit in some cases—are extraordinary and far beyond what should be allowed in any medical or pharmaceutical product.

Some may think this risk is purely theoretical, but I am here to tell you that we are already seeing real-world evidence of these effects. In my work as an oncologist in the UK, I began to notice a disturbing trend as early as February 2022. Patients who had been cancer-free for many years suddenly relapsed with aggressive and explosive cancers shortly after receiving booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccines. In the span of just six weeks, I personally encountered six cases of patients developing aggressive cancers after long periods of remission. These were patients who had been completely stable under immunotherapy for five, ten, or even fifteen years. Their sudden regression was alarming, and the only common factor was that they had all been urged by their GPs to receive a booster shot, under the pretense of being at risk.

What makes these cancer relapses even more unsettling is their aggressive nature, unlike the slow-progressing cancers we are accustomed to managing. These cases are presenting at advanced stages, often affecting multiple organs by the time of diagnosis. Colorectal cancer, in particular, is showing explosive growth in ways we have never seen before. In addition to these cancer relapses, I have also observed an increase in blood cancers, such as leukemia and lymphoma, which have appeared shortly after vaccination. Colleagues and patients alike have expressed concerns about the timing of these cancers following what I believe to be totally unnecessary booster doses.

This is not an isolated issue. My own research has shown that booster doses suppress the body’s T-cell response and instead trigger an antibody response that is less effective in policing foreign invaders like viruses and cancer cells. Essentially, the boosters are switching off the body’s defense mechanisms, allowing cancers to grow unchecked. What does this mean for Australia? With more than 63 million doses of these vaccines administered to over 20 million people, Australia is at risk of facing the same rise in cancer cases that we are seeing in other parts of the world.

The troubling difference, however, is that Australian health authorities—particularly the Department of Health and the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)—have not monitored emerging cancer trends following the widespread use of these vaccines. This is a critical gap in public health oversight. Given the contamination levels in the Australian vials, which are significantly higher than acceptable limits, we must expect a similar rise in cancers and genetic disorders here.

In recent months, we have seen data from the Office of National Statistics in Japan, followed by similar reports from Czechoslovakia and Northern Italy, which clearly show that with each additional booster dose, the incidence of cancer increases across the board. These countries are already witnessing a rise in all cancers, not just those known to be sensitive to immune suppression. Alarmingly, I am beginning to see similar patterns in the UK, particularly with gliomas and pancreatic cancers, and in patients who have received more than one booster.

The implications for younger populations are particularly concerning. We are seeing these aggressive cancers accelerating in younger people with more virulent forms of the disease. This is exactly what we feared, and it is now a reality. Therefore, I urge the council to take this matter seriously and advocate for immediate public health responses. We need our health authorities to begin monitoring these trends, develop testing protocols for those exposed to synthetic DNA contamination, and prepare treatment pathways for the inevitable rise in vaccine-induced conditions.

Without immediate action, we risk leaving Australians vulnerable to a wave of preventable diseases that could dwarf anything we have ever faced. The contamination of these vaccines with synthetic DNA should have been caught and dealt with before any doses were administered. However, now that it has come to light, we must act urgently to mitigate the damage. The first step is to halt further distribution of these contaminated products and ensure that all future vaccines meet the strictest safety standards.

As someone who has sat on the scientific board of a messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine company for over five years, I can tell you that the issues with these vaccines are deep-rooted. They have struggled for years to stabilize these products and could not even meet the standards required for cancer therapies. How, then, were they allowed to be rushed through for a disease that ultimately killed only 0.085% of the population, with an average age of 82?

These products are highly dangerous, and now there is a push to use this technology for childhood vaccines. This could be an unmitigated disaster—one that would make the thalidomide crisis pale in comparison.

Thank you again for the opportunity to address this council. I know the information I have presented is deeply concerning, but we cannot ignore the facts. We must confront this contamination with clear eyes and decisive action. The future health of our children and grandchildren is at stake. The potential consequences of doing nothing are far too significant to overlook. By addressing this now, we have a chance to protect the people of Australia and prevent a public health crisis of unprecedented proportions.

Thank you for listening.

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Thanks, Gaz.

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As soon as there’s some further information, I’ll post it!

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