Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

A well put arguement for the unaware to contemplate.

Unfortunately some are just sooooooo asleep... They don't even know that there's a problem or issue with the jabs... Even worse some do, but don't realise some of the adverse reactions are worse than public officials have communicated. "Yeah, I know two blokes with myocarditis" someone said to me at a party, seemingly unaware of the implications of myocarditis as the news and officials call it "rare", and "transient"... Geez you know two people with it mate, that's not sounding that rare to me... and I don't think it actually ever goes away even if symptoms seem "transient".

...I'm hoping I have this wrong but according to this research "indolent" myocarditis has less than a 55% survival rate over 10 years. Noting that patients with myocarditis are currently underdiagnosed, and myocarditis may result in a dilated cardiomyopathy requiring heart transplantation! This research is from 2019, so luckily published before any need to skew the narrative towards pharma's interests.


Speaking of heart transplants I remember this story from WA...

This girl is almost certainly vaxxed... The doctors only discovered what had caused this young girls HEART to suddenly fail after they REMOVED IT, her immune system was attacking the heart due to a "previous infection"... ??

Hmmmm... Previous infection??

I may have it wrong but I suspect this is a classic covid vaccine injury?...

Swept under the carpet deliberately or through cognitive dissonance or fear? ...

(I'll allow a one in one million chance this was a real "infection" it happens)...

But given her AGE and the SUDDEN onset this seems very sus (one would think she'd have been experiencing a MASSIVE cold and heart problems onset for a while if it were via natural infection?! Slowly fading as she couldn't shake a cold? Not a vibrant active girl out dancing and suddenly not feeling right????)


So many are unaware that if you didn't take the potion you were sacked...the average person in the street doesn't seem to be paying any attention beyond their mortgage or the football (some sense something vaguely odd is happening at least, but not enough to be concerned) ...

One guy at another party last year was in shock that I'd been sacked for not taking the Kool Aid...

He was like, WTF?? They can't do that! You should get a lawyer...

He was in further shock as I told him it had happened around the country, and the courts are siding with the companies that did it.

This was guy fully vaxxed so had no reason to be on my side here... But this issue of no vax no job has totally eluded him.

He was still living in the old world of bodily autonomy and human rights, he had just chosen to be vaxxed with no other thoughts on it, so he was unaware that bodily autonomy was under threat, and the judiciary is siding with the pharma fiends.

But the people who should have known better, at my workplace, the middle managers were so proud of themselves, so deep in the psyop, so stupid to not know history and the dangers of new experimental medication, not smart enough to stop even when an employee had confirmed vaccine induced pericarditis... This is how convinced/brainwashed they were that everyone MUST drink the Jonestown Kool Aid. Even when presented with scientific evidence that the Kool Aid didn't prevent transmission or infection.

These morons will never know what they did was wrong, or against human rights, because they believed they were doing "the right thing"... and they exist in an echo chamber of similar morons... This echo chamber is perpetuated by the media.

The only thing that would make them suddenly "think", is to be put on trial, then they'd have been "just following orders", and even then I doubt they'd have paid enough attention in school history class to draw parallels with WW2 Germany.

Great article Gaz, well put.

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Thank you for your thoughtful response. You've highlighted the disconnect between public awareness and the reality of adverse reactions like myocarditis. This is such a concerning issue. The narrative around bodily autonomy and vaccine mandates has indeed raised profound ethical questions. Your observations about the influence of media and societal pressures on personal health choices are striking and underscore the importance of transparency and open discussion. The comparison to historical instances of "just following orders" serves as a stark reminder of the need for vigilance and critical thinking in preserving individual rights. Over all, you are saying “we’re in trouble”! And I agree 🥺

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Sep 18Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Yeah sounds great. Except we don't have any rights.

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Get them back!

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Sep 18Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Imagine a day sometime in the future when the media announces the Covid vaccines are no longer safe...

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That day might be brought to you by AI, because all the flesh and blood cyborgs are extinct 🤯

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it was an actof stupidity

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I agree, to a point. I didn't succumb. It cost me $$$$ though. Others were not in a financial position like me, they needed $$$ to strive... no jab, no job 🤬

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