What you should know about the World Health Organization’s plans for you this May (2024)

Professor Augusto Zimmermann, Professor of Law, Head of Law, Chair of the Research Committee, and co-Chair of the Academic Council at Sheridan Institute of Higher Education, Perth has also weighed in with his concerns that the powers extended to the WHO via these pandemic reforms, could spell disaster for a range of Australian freedoms:

“This would have disastrous consequences for fundamental human rights… Australia still has the power to reject these amendments that would allow WHO’’s Director-General to arbitrarily impose pandemic lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and other highly oppressive measures. Above all, if the use of these policies becomes a reality, the world as we know it will cease to exist. We either stand for our basic rights and freedoms or risk losing everything come May 2024.”


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14 hrs agoLiked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Our unelected bureaucrat already signed- way back when it was launched. We were told me of only 40 countries. Add to that Albo met with Bill Gates on lawns of Kirribilli in March last year and we were named world centre for pandemic response. Add to that, the new Replicon mRNA was developed by our CSIRO and an unknown pharma company from the US . They are planning to roll it out in Japan this October. Given our government has given millions to build five of these tox factories any chance of either side acknowledging these facts are zero. There is a reason they want to control information.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

OK; Albanese and all the other politicians have their right to have an opinion about this matter. Doesn't it stand to reason then if concerned electors are free to ask the question then why doesn't Albanese support his own conviction and tell us not to worry - maybe he could say "...the collective evidence now supports the notion that the Covid-19 vaccinations employed in Australia are all "safe and effective and there is no basis what-so-ever for concern that anyone could be vaccine injured"?

That said perhaps we could all get on with life? I think not.

No- he definitely will not say anything about Covid-19 and prays that it will all blow over from electors memory before the next Federal Election. Electorally it's too risky! No courage to face the truth!

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Well, I guess, its our job to keep it alive :)

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15 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs agoLiked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

RE: A lady who works at Woolies's checkout:

She looked fine the last time I saw her - that was about a few months back.

Now, her left upper lip dropped down noticeably; her face and body language show evidence of distress; and she appeared to be aged rapidly, judging by her left hand and forearm.

In short, she is disfigured and aged prematurely.

In case some gainsayer parrots being smartarse, the disfigurement was not caused by any tooth ache. because there was no swelling of her cheeks.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

They ALL want this to go away.

Let's help it not go away without someone actually taking accountability.

Who's going to fall on their sword first?

Don't hold your breath, though...

Even the totalitarian COVID Dictator, Daniel Andrews is getting a statue......

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11 hrs agoLiked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Before the May 2022 federal elections Anthony Albanese told the faithful electorate that unlike the Coalition his government would be open and transparent. He said he was appalled that 22,500 excess deaths of Australians had occurred and if he was elected he would call a Royal Commission into these Covid deaths. The day after the election were called all promises were cancelled. By ignoring these deaths he is equally guilty as those who concocted the poisonous “vaccines”.

We look forward to the Nuremberg Trials#2…

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The words needed here is “bullsh!t artist!”

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14 hrs agoLiked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

I’m vax injured, pericarditis, cardiac arrhythmia, loss of balance, gut issues, and I’m aging rapidly. Because I refuse further vaccines of any kind, I feel at risk of our government.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Next letter, EVERYONE is invited to put their signature on it & really ram it home. The Aligned Council of Australia has claimed they have over 1.8 million followers. Put it to them first to sign up & let's hammer the bastards. Big opportunity here.

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