9 hrs agoLiked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

David Speicher has published on Endotoxin in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in collaboration with Griffith University


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10 hrs agoLiked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Seriously, unfortunately I don’t believe he will act. All our governments since Gough Whitlam have been working for the IN and the new world order- not we the people. The government is currently funding five of these tox factories around Australia, and I read yesterday that a QLD group has received millions in pharma funding for Bird Flu vaccine trial for a non existing disease.

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Julie, I understand your pessimism. I get down about the situation as well. I urge you to read the legal points again. And please share the heck out of this or and one’s work that aims to alert Australians. While there are certain people you can never budge from their wilful blindness, the are many more that will listen to logic and reason. Please help me.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Respectfully, the Biosecurity Act 2015, was amended in 2021, when everybody was busy watching the other governmental glove. And I think you'll find it's not what it was sold to the public as. Also, I suggest having a look at the status of any/all "public health emergency" powers, in each of the states. People assumed an awful lot of these things got "cancelled" or rolled back, when in fact they just got put on autopilot. I'd be interested to hear from the VERY silent Australian military, in regards to their obligations under "civil" uprisings.😐🤐

Finally, "credible evidence of harm", and there in a nutshell lies the escape clause, particularly with the new "mis, dis, mal information" governmental maneuvering. Who now decides what denotes the term "credible evidence"?😐🤔🤨

Local government are the only form of government actually answerable to the people- because they have to look the public in the face, everyday, and their constituents know where they live. Higher governments, have set themselves up to be bureacratically deaf to the people.

But unfortunately, the military answers not to local government....😉

Ps- did anyone notice Albo's very unsurprised look when he was handed the letter? I did.

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Hi Barefoothealer, are you referring to the Biosecurity Amendment (Enhanced Risk Management) Bill 2021? If you are, that Bill lapsed at the end of parliament on the 25 July 2022. There is another amendment call the BIOSECURITY AMENDMENT (STRENGTHENING BIOSECURITY) ACT 2022. Though, without having a close look seems to be focused of agriculture?

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8 hrs agoLiked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Would Leslyn Lewis or any CPC do the same in Canada?

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58 mins agoLiked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

This letter, for Australians, begs the question why other countries aren’t doing the same, (ie: Canada).

There is the case, as I’d described above, about the Quebec former lawyer bringing a class action lawsuit, but Health Canada needs to be held to account, and where’s all the research money to start doing genotoxicity, carcinotoxicity and long term studies from the pharmaceutical companies. I would not trust the Pharma companies to do the studies and testing it they should be coughing up all that profit they got from these gene therapy agents to have others, more trusted scientists do the studies

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7 hrs agoLiked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Are not the 'Liberals' [and their Corporate associates that unlawfully enforced actions] that purchased these products under 'secret' contract also fully liable?

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Suing them in their private capacity, is without doubt, the way to go. As soon as they step out of their officer status and functions… into them. Easy said than done of course!

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When it eventually hits the fan, it will be lawfare open season, I would think!

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1 hr agoLiked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

The only problem to the lawfare against the government, is the government has an endless supply of taxpayer dollars and the largest law office with thousands of lawyers at their disposal. What we have to do is sue them personally so it comes out of their pockets to defend themselves. Most politicians say, “bring it on” knowingly they will get the best of the best to defend them. See Gloriane Blais, former Quebec lawyer in class action lawsuit against a lot of politicians, but she’s suing them personally in their private capacity

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9 hrs agoLiked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Shared, so many won't read it of course, I'm surely blocked from news organisations by now, but I send these things anyway. I dare say the journalists choose to ignore these things, why I do not know... Something tells me they are either as brainwashed as the rest of the population via exposure to mainstream reporting overseas, in a groupthink scenario or are literally told they can not touch this subject.

If this was on the news, in the light it should be, the outrage would be huge, and in that sense maybe this is part of the reason. But people have a right to know before they next roll up their sleeve, so their silence on the matter is criminal.

Probably why the govt needs the new censorship bill rushed through, and why mainstream media have a deal that they are immune to this bill. Seriously it can't be a law, with fines, if some people are exempt, it must cover all... This is the dystopia we are in.

Hats off to Minister Broadbent for standing up, what a legend.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Small correction Steve. Russell Broadbent was ejected from Liberal Party after decades of service, like Gerard Rennick and is not a minister.


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8 hrs agoLiked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Not surprised that they did that to him, can't have party members going against the narrative... The two party system is so infiltrated by big business and other organisations ... Three if we count the "Greens".

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I hope they ask Gigi ( a co signatory) some hard questions Geoff. I wouldn't have her in my camp.

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