Aug 2Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Thanks for a very interesting post Gaz.

Personally, I’m very wary of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Doctrine of Necessity.

I haven’t had much time to look into these yet, but highly suspicious of caveats to individual freedom, and how these can be abused.

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Yes, I can understand your caution. I used the ICCPR as a beacon of the right of informed consent, because unlike the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, many Western Countries (Australia included) are signatories to the ICCPR. When a country, like Australia, signs the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), it signifies a commitment to uphold the civil and political rights outlined in the treaty. Unlike the non-binding Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the ICCPR is a legally binding treaty that obligates signatory countries to integrate its provisions into their national laws. So, it gives informed consent more weight in my estimation. The Doctrine of Necessity, is enshrine by common law and predates the Globalists. Of course, it’s open for abuse but as I’ve argued if it’s found to be abused, it’s big trouble for the abuser. My simple take is that the only possible way clear for them, is to hold their position; “…there was a lethal pandemic”, and the vaxx was; “…safe and effective”. But anyone who has looked at all the evidence knows they are on extremely shaky ground. I doubt they’ll be able to hold back the flood of evidence that clearly blows their “we sincerely believed there was a pandemic and had to mitigate it with an experimental drug treatment,” out of the water. As long as the evidence keeps flooding in, they’re goners (just my humble opinion!) Keep taking it up to them, Elizabeth!

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Aug 2Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

Waiting in anticipation for the dam to burst. When it does, the flood will be profound.

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Aug 1Liked by Gaz's - A Defender's Voice

I don't think there will be any escape from the coming backlash. Either the courts will bring it or the people or both. Those (globalists) who did this will be desperate to take control before it gets out of control, so the next two years will be pretty crazy.

Image being a parent, who's diseased, disabled and dying from the vaxx, and who's kid died from the vaxx; how will they respond, upon learning the truth... or the very wealthy who lost loved ones and have no end to the resources to seek justice.

There's many people who will demand payback, including judges, lawyers and politicians. Some of these people will be deranged with anger and have nothing to lose if the courts don't deliver some kind of justice that looks like it's in full integrity.

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